Presentatie plannen Hart- en vaatkliniek KCMC Moshi Tanzania
Laten we allemaal een onderdeel worden van deze historische ontwikkeling in Tanzania
Het plan voor de hart- en vaatkliniek krijgt steeds meer vorm. Onlangs werden de bouwtekeningen gepresenteerd. Het geeft een goed beeld van de gekoesterde wens en noodzaak om te komen tot een hart- en vaatkliniek voor jong en oud.
De excutive directeur Prof. Gileard Masenge deelt graag het voorwoord met ons:
It has been a long time dream to have a Cardiovascular Centre at KCMC Hospital. This year we mark the beginning of the realization of this dream by putting our thoughts and plans into action. The proposed construction of the Cardiovascular Centre has been approved by both the Board of Trustees and the Board of Governors of the Good Samaritan Foundation (GSF).
KCMC Management in this regard is grateful to the Board of Governors. Board of Trustees. Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT). Tanzanian Government through Ministry of Health Community Development. Gender Elderty and Children, ZGT Overzee from the Netherlands. and East Africa Medical Assistance Foundation (EAMAF). and the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation in the U.S. for their support and donations in this journey towards the realization of this dream.
May I also use this opportunity to extend our gratitude to KCMC friends within and outside Tanzania who have always shown interest in the establishment of the Cardiovascular Centre in the Northern zone, KCMC cannot thank you enough, now welcome everyone to contribute and donate to this project into having a state of the art Cardiovascular Centre at KCMC which will serve millions of people from within and outside Tanzania.
Let you be port of this big history.Prof. Gileard Masenga